====== Evaluating Temporal Source Code Modification Using Latent Semantic Indexing ====== ~~NOTOC~~ ===== Motivation ===== At our chair, we conducted an experiment in refactoring where we recorded the progress of source code creation. As we stored only single refactoring steps during this progress (e.g. extracting a method), your task is to uncover changes within the conceptualization using latent semantic indexing. In addition to the real data, you shall also examine artificial source code concerning changes, e.g. from refactoring examples. ===== Goal ===== Your goal in this thesis is a data-oriented evaluation of the experiment mentioned above. You will upgrade our tool for temporal data analysis to LSI analysis. Additionally, you must carry out a comparison with existing, "manually" acquired concepts. ===== Student ===== * Yi Yang ===== Literature ===== * [[http://www.cs.kent.edu/%7Ejmaletic/papers/ICTAI00.pdf|Using Latent Semantic Analysis to Identify Similarities in Source Code to Support Program Understanding]] [MaM03] * [[http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/rd/0%2C565244%2C1%2C0.25%2CDownload/http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cache/papers/cs/27292/http:zSzzSztrident.mcs.kent.eduzSz%7EamarcuszSzpaperszSzicse03.pdf/recovering-documentation-to-source.pdf|Recovering Documentation-to-Source-Code Traceability Links using Latent Semantic Indexing]] [MaM03] * Website on [[http://www.cs.utk.edu/%7Elsi/|LSI]] * [[http://www-i11.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/openbiblio/shared/biblio_view.php?bibid=186&tab=opac|Kontrollierte Experimente in der Softwaretechnik]] [Pre03] * [[http://www-i11.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/openbiblio/shared/biblio_view.php?bibid=241&tab=opac|Experimentation in Software Engineering]] [Woh02] ===== Tutor ===== * Dr.rer.nat. Dirk Wilking